Why B2B businesses need to analyse their website data

If you are an owner or MD of a B2B business, analysing your website’s data might not seem like a top priority if you are busy trying to generate more sales or cope with the myriad of other daily challenges.

So you might feel like this guy when your marketing agency want to analyse your website’s traffic, page views and customer paths etc.

Reasons why you need  to analyse your B2B Website Data

– Your website data has a treasure trove of valuable insights that can show you EVIDENCE of what marketing actions are working and what is not.
For example, you may be spending a considerable amount of time generating content for social media posts and a lot less time in creating helpful blogs and “how-to” guides for your website.
However, as a general rule of thumb for B2B businesses, creating content for your website will generate a lot more traffic that social media posts. (This content must help your prospects and include your top keywords)

Decisions on B2B Marketing Actions must be Based on Sound Data

– All of your marketing actions must be based on the above evidence i.e. sound data from your website and a logical working through of all the steps in your marketing plan. Avoid taking actions based on what seems to be the current trend or what “went viral” recently.

Using GA4
– Using tools such as Google Analytics 4 (GA4) can be time consuming and frustrating if you are not properly trained on this tool. It is best to outsource this analysis if your budget allows. If not, there are many self-paced, online courses in GA4.

Important Website Analytics for B2B businesses

– Your marketing agency can help you prioritise which GA4 reports are most important.

Key information includes:
– where is most of your website traffic coming from?
– what pages are getting the most visits?
– how many page views are your important pages getting?
– what path do website users take through your website? E.g. are your blogs driving them to other key pages?
– are your website users taking important actions (known as “key events” in GA4 that your can pre-define), such as sending an email via the “Contact Us” page, or signing up for your eNewsletter, or clicking a “Call Us” button?

There are numerous more reports available in GA4 but it is advisable to set your data objectives before you begin to delve into analytics in order to avoid getting side-tracked with reports and graphs that look “cool” but won’t actually give you any valuable insights.

How often do you look at your website analytics?

Contact us if you would like to have a consultation about your B2B marketing